You’ll love and enjoy living in Innopolis
We get anywhere in 15 minutes
All the infrastructure is close by
Unique community
One in three residents is an IT person or a scientist
We get along with technology
Food is delivered by robots, entrance is enabled by fingerprints
You can buy property or simply rent
What price would you like to pay for a rental flat in Innopolis?
There’s a one-bedroom flat for 13 000 rub a month
There’s a two-bedroom flat for 17 000 rub a month
There’s a three-bedroom flat for 21 000 rub a month
Under-construction residential area ‘Kvartal ‘U’
Multi-level and classic townhouses
Have more questions?
Answer in telegram
and by phone

I would like to find out the opening hours of some venues

The list of all establishments can be found in the organizations and services section. Select the category "cafés and restaurants" and see the list of all places to eat. There you will also find the opening hours

How to contact Lost and Found service?

We have a chat where residents post everything they’ve found around the city. Alsom you may ask our colleagues from the concierge-service

How to use the self-driving taxi?

Type down the ‘unmanned vehicle' to the concierge-service bot. You’ll be provided with a guide on how to log in to the service

Q&A - contact us